【同义词辨析】 2020-07-03 联盟alliance-federation

alliance: applies to an association formed for the mutual benefit of its members: an ~ between feminists and religious groups against pornography.    (如an alliance between two countries or parties两国或两党的联盟,如an alliance with Germany与德国的联盟,如U.S. Wechat Users Alliance美微,截至9月21日已筹款$1,009,765.69美元)   association联系联盟联合体联想,意思是"在一起"存在或出现,如东盟ASEAN,篮球联盟NBA,如把俗丽一组的5个词想成GTGMF光涂膏模粉属于联想记忆

league: suggests a more formal compact often with a definite goal: the ~ of Nations; and may be used to suggest an association for a bad end: in ~ with the devil.   League of Nations国际联盟,二战后被联合国取代,如league of legends英雄联盟是一款游戏,NFL是美国橄榄球联盟,习语not in the same league口语十分常用,表示二者不在一个水平层次,如can you imagine they are dating? I think John is not in the same league as Lily他们竟然约会了,我觉得John完全配不上Lily 这里compact不是表示紧凑,如CD compact disc,而是表示正式协议a formal agreement devil恶魔,比evil多个d

coalition: applies to a temporary association of parties often of opposing interests: formed a ~ government with two other parties.   coalition government联合政府

confederation: applies to a union of independent states under a central government to which powers dealing with common external relations are delegated: the ~ formed by American colonies.         南北战争时南方叫the Confederate States of America美利坚联盟国,简称CSA

federation: implies any union under the terms of a league or covenant, and especially a sovereign power formed by a union of states and having a central government and several state and local governments: the United States of America constitutes a ~.      covenant有法律约束力的协议约定a formal written agreement,如God's covenant with Abraham上帝与亚伯拉罕的立约,如the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights公民权利和政治权利国际公约;还表示和慈善机构的契约)     如美国是一个联邦制总统制宪法制共和国the U.S.A is a federal presidential constitutional republic,如Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局FBI,如Switzerland is a federal republic瑞士是一个联邦共和国,如Russian Federation是俄罗斯的正式名称

alliance联盟: 指促进成员利益的联合,league联盟: 更正式有明确目标,coalition联盟: 指不同利益攸关方的临时联合,confederation联邦联盟: 指多个独立国家设立中央政府,负责处理共同的外交事务,federation联邦: 多个国家(非独立国家,美国称为州)组成主权国家,设立中央和地方政府

记忆方法: 1)首字母ALCCF是flaccid软弱的前5个字母,联盟通常是软弱乏力无效的<==联盟       是会意字,下面是接血的盘盂,上面是明,表示在神前发誓明志结盟的意思。歃血为盟,是喝一点牲血或含一点在口里,表示诚意。现代是割自己的血喝

        2)联盟的意思是促进成员利益联合体mean an association to further the interests of its members.    further促进suggests a removing of obstacles in the way of a desired advance表示扫除前进中的障碍,如used the marriage to further his career通过婚姻促进他的事业,如to further the reform and opening to the outside world促进改革开放)